Debate: Should Britain QUIT The European Union?
Added 775 Views / 0 LikesApril 06, 2013 BBC News
14 September 2014 Breaking News ISIS ISIL Surfaced Video Of British Aid David Haines Beheaded
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Andres Escobar murder investigation
Added 1,057 Views / 0 LikesInvestigative story about the reasons for Andres Escobar's death after an own goal in the World Cup 1994 on Telemundo's "Sin Fronteras" show. In Colombia, 10 years after the death of Andres, an investigation on Telemundo Network by journalists Keyvan Heyd
Paris Attack - 12 Killed By Gunmen At Charlie Hebdo Magazine
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How Messing With The God Particle Will DESTROY THE UNIVERSE! (Nerdist News WTFridays!)
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ABC News’ David Muir’s Exclusive Backstage Interview With Apple CEO Tim Cook
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News Anchor Dave Benton Battling Brain Cancer Tells Viewers Only Has 6 Months To Live! Heartbreaking
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Extreme Body Contortion - BBC News
Added 806 Views / 0 LikesJust wait till you see what she can do. Leilani Franco has to be one of the most flexible people in the world - in fact she is a Triple Guinness World Record Holder for Contortion. She is part...