Northern Ireland
In this section, you can enjoy videos relating to Northern Ireland. Please follow the links on the right hand side to access the videos.
Why Choose Northern Ireland -- Hear From The Business, Professional And Financial Services Sector
Added 737 Views / 0 Likes -
Doing Business In Canada - Export Opportunities For Northern Ireland Companies
Added 731 Views / 0 LikesJC Jeffrey, In Market Advisor, Canada and Kate Gilmore, Trade Advisor, North America outline business opportunities available to Northern Ireland companies i...
Brits&Northern Ireland FULL Documentary Ep2
Added 707 Views / 0 LikesThis show tells the full story of the Northern Irelands troubled history. There are 3 episodes for each group. Brits - Provos - loyalists. Don't for get to l...
Belfast And The Best Of Northern Ireland
Added 684 Views / 0 LikesIn this program we tour bustling Belfast's City Hall and Ulster Museum, then head out to Northern Ireland's favorite resort: Portrush, along the Antrim Coast...