Heavy Intense Urban Combat Firefight
Added 868 Views / 0 LikesSyria - Extreme Insane Heavy Intense Urban Combat Firefight Fighting Clash Action Syrian Civil War. Heavy Clashes Fighting And Firefights During Syrian Civil...
ISIS: How Iraqi Jihadi's Operate In Syria
Added 829 Views / 0 LikesThis is Why I Feel Betrayed: Are the moderates in the FSA losing their way? Watch our other Subscribe to Journeyman for more:
The Syrian War What You're Not Being Told
Added 819 Views / 0 LikesWhat's really going on in Syria? Let's look at the evidence. Follow us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: http://twi...
Bulldozing The Border Between Iraq And Syria: The Islamic State (Part 5)
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Al-Nusra Front In Combat With The Syrian Army
Added 817 Views / 0 LikesSyria Civil War - Al-Nusra Front In Combat With The Syrian Army | SYRIA WAR 2014. Al-Nusra Front In Combat Fighting Firefight War Clashes Action With The Syr...
President Assad On Gaza, Saudi Arabia And Arab Spring (English Subtitles)
Added 814 Views / 0 LikesSyrian President Bashad al Assad talks about Gaza, attacks the leaders of Saudi Arabia and announces the demise of the Arab Spring. Inaugural speech on July ...
Syria Civil War - Heavy Intense Clashes And Fighting Continues In Maliha
Added 812 Views / 0 LikesSyria Civil War -Heavy Intense Clashes And Fighting Continues In Maliha | Syria War 2014. Syria | Syrian Civil War 2014 | Heavy Fighting Clashes And Firefigh...